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          So to cut a long story short, I was in a clean but tired coastal B&B for reasons to do with travel and death, and engineered a few minutes alone in the room when everyone else went down for breakfast.

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          So off popped the suspiciously weak clasp (does everyone do this now? Are flat screen TVs old already?) and into view came these two beauties:



          Despite some initial focusing problems the Huawei P9 coped admirably with the pre-dawn artificial light and aggressive carpet pattern, revealing a classic red and black colourway and evocative italicised lettering. The limited time available meant it was not possible to scrutinise the casings for spelling mistakes, but the mind imagined scenarios involving the fire disposal and insertion advice to be grammatically poor, over a hurried breakfast.

          Perhaps if we are there again next year I’ll sneak the remote into the bathroom for a more thorough examination, although chances are the cells will have been long replaced by something from the local Asda by the time I next succumb to the demand to go somewhere and do something.

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          December 14, 2016 in Batteries

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          February 22, 2016 in Uncategorized

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          January 19, 2016 in Metaphors

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          oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. NOW PLACE CUP UNDER CREAM SPOUT TO REAR.”


          “Around the world, around the wo-orld, around the world, around the wo-orld. ”

          December 29, 2015 in Gadgets with FACES

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          Featuring the same sort of infinite volume red-faced scream as that made by its users. Open and close disc tray = realistic vomiting action.

          December 18, 2015 in Gadgets with FACES

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          Actually, never mind.

          December 11, 2015 in Gadgets with FACES

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          Could deliver the nearest thing any of us get to a cuddle this Christmas, plus with a bit of effort and some leftover turkey it might be possible to do pretend sex to hole #5 of the speakers. The bass throb could be “her” heart beat.


          December 10, 2015 in Gadgets with FACES

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          FACTORY RESET.

          May 12, 2015 in Promotional photography

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          “I honestly don’t think I can get out of bed today and start doing all the same things that I did yesterday again. And it’s still cold. Why won’t it be spring? I’ll stay in bed until spring. Work won’t mind. They owe me for covering for Jenny last winter when she was off for four months with SAD.”

          The Acctim Mini Bell also has a nice sad backside, complete with diseased spots and assorted warts.

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          “Simon and I have been thinking. We think it’s time you moved in with one of us. You can still have your independence and bring your televisions with you, we just really think it’s time. What if you’d put your trousers in the oven, dad?”

          February 24, 2015 in 电脑vp软件
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